Friday, July 29, 2011
SMOOTHIES vs. JUICING (with a blender)
GREEN SMOOTHIES are my preference for nutritional value, fiber, and a full and satisfied feeling.
Perhaps you don't want that full feeling, but want a quick chlorophyll boost. You can still use a blender, but you'll need a strainer of some sort. An inexpensive way to go is to buy paint strainers at any store that sells paint.
Try Kale (torn off of the stem) Spinach, Carrot greens, and water - about a cup. Blend. Then pour it into the strainer over a bowl. Then SQUEEZE and SQUISH . . . There's your GREEN JUICE - light and tasty!
Some uses for the left-over pulp, which contains nutritious dietary fiber:
• add bulk to recipes and help retain moisture
• fruit pulp can be added to home made ice cream, sorbets, dessert toppings
• veg pulp in RAW food like lasagna, etc.
• great compost
• birds love carrot pulp
• and best of all, if you have a dehydrator, a whole new world will open to you and your pulp uses.