Did you know that three months is the average lifespan of red blood cells. So in three months you should have renewed most all of your red blood cells.
I'm on day 44, and I feel really great. I admit that I usually have 1 or 2 carrots with guacamole mid-day.
I don't eat anything or drink my Green Smoothie after 3pm. This way I find I always get a refreshing night's sleep because my stomach muscles won't have to work hard during the night. Eating late suppresses the release of human growth hormone credited for rejuvenation of the body because it is secreting insulin to digest food. Having a period of time when the stomach is not bulging helps to shrink the protruding stomach that comes from constant eating. I hope by the end of my 90-day Green Smoothie Cleanse, I will have a flat stomach again!
Why go RAW? well, for starters, raw organic foods are better quality, therefore you eat less to satisfy your nutritional needs. The heat of cooking depletes vitamins, damages proteins and fats, and destroys enzymes which benefit digestion. Raw food makes you feel satisfied so you have more energy and raw food has the best balance of water, nutrients, and fiber to meet your body’s needs. Also eating Raw is best for our environment!
Sea Asparagus